Integration of a Hydrogen Storage Cavern into the Carbon2Chem Project

Autor: Dr. Maurice Schlichtenmayer, ESK GmbH, Freiberg


Research Article | Underground salt caverns allow large hydrogen storage capacities at low specific costs. Such storage is required to balance fluctuating hydrogen supply and constant demand of large consumers as a methanol plant from the Carbon2Chem project. The geological and technical feasibility for developing up to 168 Mio. m3 (n.c.) or 595 GWh of working gas capacity until 2040 at a location in the Lower Rhine Bay is described. Various options for realization as well as a novel process for cavern leaching parallel to hydrogen storage operation are evaluated. Further work is required including geological exploration and optimization of brine production.

[email protected], DOI: 10.1002/cite.202400038


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