How to Measure the Greenness of Chemicals? A Case Study on Butadiene Production Applying Green Metrics and Life Cycle Assessment
Autor: [email protected], DOI: 10.1002/cite.202300231

Research Article | The greenness of naphtha- and bioethanol-based butadiene was compared using green metrics (GM) and life cycle assessment (LCA). GM provide predominantly qualitative results, showing advantages for bioethanol-based butadiene. LCA indicates benefits of bioethanol-based butadiene in terms of global warming and fossil resource consumption, but drawbacks in acidification, eutrophication, radiation, land use, ozone depletion, particulate matter, ozone formation, metal depletion, and freshwater consumption. In comparison, LCA offers a more comprehensive environmental assessment while GM are limited to a smaller section of the value chain but address additional aspects such as safety of chemicals.