25.05.2020 • PraxisberichteDesinfektionWebinar

Webinar: UV Disinfection of Surfaces and Air

© Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock
© Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

These days, we are looking for solutions to remove harmful germs such as bacteria, viruses and fungi from surfaces or to disinfect the air in rooms - in particular, areas where many people are infected with viruses and bacteria are an issue.
UVC disinfection is a dry and chemical-free method that reduces the bacterial load up to 99.999%. The advantages of this technology are that it is extremely fast, reliable, durable and environmentally friendly.
But how does UV disinfection work? Is it a safe way to disinfect objects and air? What are legal guidelines? What are the advantages of using UV light?
This webinar examines the need to reduce germs in highly frequented rooms. It will look at how the disinfection of contaminated objects can take place, discuss solutions and compare alternative technologies.

Register to attend the webinar
June 9, 2020 | 11 a.m. (CEST)

Key learning objectives:
How to sterilize surfaces and objects of all kinds
as well as air
and why UV light is a reliable
chemical-free and quick solution.
For which applications the use of UV technology is suitable, and which are not
which is why you should prefer UV light compared to other solutions.

An experienced team of experts shares interesting facts about solutions in the fight against viruses, bacteria and co.


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